Dr Raffaele Cedrola

Dr Raffaele Cedrola

Dr Raffaele Cedrola Graduated with Honours from the University of Birmingham and is also a Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Since then he has dedicated himself to providing his patients of all ages with painless, high quality care and creating healthy beautiful smiles.

Dr Raff has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, which has seen him complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry plus regularly attending courses to ensure he stays at the top of his game.

He strongly believes in the mantra that "Prevention is better than the Cure", and his practice centres around the use of modern adhesive techniques to provide minimally invasive dentistry.

Outside dentistry Raff is a keen American football fan and regularly keeps active with CrossFit and Yoga.